Saturday 20 August 2011

Hello Strangers!

So... You might have noticed that I haven't been around for a while. Well, don't worry, I haven't been doing nothing! It would be impossible to tell you all the things I've done over the last couple of weeks, so here is a little list of highlights...

  • Moved House
  • Scrubbed toilets with a toothbrush
  • Moved my goldfish from one country to another
  • Went to Soul Survivor
  • Had an awesome time chilling with Jesus
  • Arrived at new house
  • Emptied all my belongings into piles in the corners of my new room
  • Hunted for a bed... unsuccessfully so far!
  • Built an ikea bookcase
  • Sand-papered, undercoated and over-coated a different bookcase
  • Met with amazing friends in town
  • Hung (what feels like) a gazillion curtains
  • Started making the quilt!
I can't think of anything else right now, as it is rather early in the morning, but that is just a little snapshot into what I've been doing recently.

Some of you may have no idea what Soul Survivor is, so rather than me trying to explain it, it's probably best if you just clink on this link.

Over the week that I went on, I saw God do some of the most amazing things. In previous years, I have often met God in the climatic points, and the noise and the excitement. I understood his enormity and power, and I will always be in awe of that. But this year He wanted to show me something different.

He became the still small voice.

In the quiet times that I shared with God, I felt him speaking into different areas of my life, and giving me peace. Next year at school, I have a LOT on my plate, so with one thing and another, I was getting pretty nervous about stuff. I have an area of responsibility in which I sometimes need to make some challenging decisions, and be a role model even in the hard times. This slightly freaked me out!

During the week, I gradually met more and more with God until one night He just completely revealed to me how much He has already blessed and equipped me for this calling.

The phrase 'everything happens for a reason' is often seen as rather a secular explanation for life, and I do agree with that. However, the experiences that God has allowed in our lives, for good or for bad, are the ones that shape us and equip us for His future calling upon us. If God can move mountains and fill oceans, then surely He can make sure a series of events take place, so that I learn that I'm not capable of doing everything (*achem* D grade in Maths *achem*) however hard I try! He is a God of perfection.

I have also learnt that there are often times when I am not going to be able to lean on my own experiences, as new challenges are going to be thrown up that I need to learn to handle. This is where I believe I can learn to use the abundant blessings that God has so richly, and undeservedly, blessed me with. While I was being prayed for at Soul Survivor, the girl praying over me prayed for 'Sensitivity, Perception, Discernment and Wisdom.' Now I know that right now sensitivity is going to have to be a gift that God blesses me with, as I am often not the most sympathetic of people.

Exhibit A - My friend was in a bit of a delicate mood, so me being me, oblivious to the extremity of her condition, was overcome with the urge to throw a Rubix Cube at the back of her head. She was not best pleased.

As I learn to increase my sensitivity towards other people and their needs, I have every confidence that God will bless me with opportunities where I can exercise sensitivity. And I need to see those situations as blessings, not as awkward moments where I want the ground to swallow me!

Often we become so caught up in our own little world, and the problems that we are having, that we neglect to see God's hand on our lives. We are oblivious to the blessings he freely hands out to us each and every day. So I wrote this little poem, I suppose you could call it, and despite its brevity, I found it a really helpful reminder of just a few of the millions of blessings God has given each of us...

Not just given Love.
Consumed in it.

Not just given Grace.
Drenched in it.

Not just given Salvation.
Empowered with it.

Not just given the word.
Armed with it.

Not just given His Son.
Living through Him.

Our God is a God of extreme abundance; just look at nature. How has He blessed you with beautiful gifts already this morning?

God Bless,
Eve xx

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