Thursday 23 January 2014


We often don't really consider discontentment as a sin. It's not adultery or murder, or even lying or lusting. But I've come to realise that I think it can be just at destructive.

What we are saying when we are discontent is that, 'What I have is not enough.' However, what this is really saying is, 'What God has done for me and given me is not enough.'

Discontentment is not healthy, attractive or Godly. Ultimately, it is sinful.

I am not saying that it is wrong to have Godly desires for things. God plants passions and desires in our hearts that allow us to continue seeking Him, His kingdom and things that will strengthen, encourage and bless us. But this does not means that we should live in a constant state of limbo, unhappy with what we have, and desperately holding out until we just get this one thing. Then one more thing. And one more...

A friend recently challenged me with this...

"One of the hardest questions to ask yourself is: if I was friendless, jobless, had no skill at anything, lived in a depressing place with people who disliked me and it looked like it was going to stay like that... Could I still be truly happy? Knowing the answer is 'Yes, because God's grace is sufficient for us', the thing is then... Am I truly happy now, when he's blessed me so much? Am I abusing these blessings by yearning for more? Am I loving the gifts not the giver?"

Others have to fight daily for what we have. We simply have no idea how blessed we are. This is probably because our thoughts and prayers so often revolve around what we do not have, rather than what we do. An attitude of contentment is incredibly powerful but should ultimately be entirely natural when we begin to consider just how much we already have.

No, things don't always work out the way we want them to. No, we don't always get what we want. No, not everyone gets healed. No, not everyone will treat us nicely or fairly. No, we can't just bake a cake full of rainbows and sunshine. And yes, there will always be people who look like they have more than us.

But if we have the God of the universe dwelling inside of us, choosing relationship with us, and taking an interest in the most intricate details of our life, then how are we not content?

We may not have the car, the boyfriend, the grades, the friends, the money or the attributes, but we still have everything we need for this season.

In God we have all we need. God is enough.

"Keep your lives free from covetousness and be content with what you have. For God himself has said, 'I will never leave you. I will always be by your side.'" ~ Hebrews 13:5

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