Friday 6 January 2012

Not one or the other

Do you ever feel stuck in-between? Neither here nor there? I do right now.

Tomorrow is my 17th birthday and I'm really feeling like I'm in that terribly awkward inbetweeny part of life where I'm not yet an adult but I really don't think I can be classified as a child anymore. Height-wise that was the case long ago!

I guess it's reminding me that God doesn't call us to a life of comfort. We are not called to just act like sitting ducks in the river of life, occasionally mentioning Christ whenever another 'unsaved' ducky floats past, and being content that God is out there 'somewhere'. No. We are called to keep moving, not to get comfortable but to constantly seek more of the Lord, occasionally going against the flow but always desiring a closer relationship with him, by pressing into his spirit.

I was once informed by a wonderful preacher, named Danielle Strickland (look her up... she's insane!), that comfort is a sin. Anything that holds us back from fulfilling God's purpose for our life is a sin and most of the time concern for my own personal safety and security is what holds me back from doing my best for the Kingdom. I don't remember the part in the gospels where Jesus says 'Give me five more minutes in bed and then after a full fry-up we'll get some healing done!' Following Jesus' example, we should always be willing to drop everything and go to the ends of the earth to be salt and light as soon as God gives us the word. I'm not sure that we're ever meant to be 'comfortable' with this idea, but we should be prepared.

I guess it's not so bad being stuck in the middle. It means I can't be classified as one thing or another. A rather freeing thought in some repects. It gives me the opportunity to be who I am called to be by truly surrendering this time to God.

Exciting? I think so!

I also went into this cute little Christian Book shop today and picked up a couple of books on some interesting topics, so I'll keep you posted.

God Bless,
Eve xx

1 comment:

  1. Eve, these words are so honest and true..and I totally understand what you mean! ;) What a good way to look at this "in-between time": a time to be who you are called to be through Christ. This post meant a lot to me today. :) Love you friend!


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