Monday 7 May 2012

Confessing my Obsessing

For anyone that knows me, this will not me breaking news. I am an obsession-junkie.

You know how some people are like thrill-junkies so they have to get the next thrill in order to feel fulfilled? Well I'm exactly like that, just with obsessions.

Normal people can just 'like' things, or think they're 'cool. Me? Oh no. I read every news article about them, buy t-shirts of them, try every flavour, listen to every song, stalk their facebook page, talk about them non-stop, and say things like 'I'd be happy to live on (insert current obsession) for the rest of my life'.

Now, having read that, you are probably in one of two camps...
1. 'Well that's fair enough, right? We all have foibles, and its not like its hurting anyone.'
2. 'Close the window, lock the doors, she's coming for us!!!'

If you're in camp 2, then don't worry! I'm not known to actually physically stalk people, only in virtual reality. But there's always a first... I joke, I JOKE!

But if you're in camp 1, then I must tell you that you are most terribly wrong. Maybe its not hurting anyone else, but its sure-as-eggs hurting me!

Every time I get completely hooked on this one thing, be it tea, The Hunger Games (Team Everlark!!), a band, or a certain lovely young gentleman who is remaining completely and utterly nameless *moving on*, it starts to take over my life. It consumes my every thought, and I start to dwell on it, thinking about when I can next get another cuppa, read another chapter, watch another band interview, or simply see said young gentleman.

But I don't want tea or a book or a band or a crush taking control of my life, no matter how amazing I may think they are. No, that's where I want God to be. I want to constantly be thinking about him, when I'm next going to see him work in my life, meet with him in prayer, hear his words in the bible, feel his touch on my heart, and talk about him with other people.

Because a book won't be there when I fall. A band won't be there when I'm lonely. Even a guy won't be able to plan my future perfectly. Only God can. So I want to be completely and utterly obsessed with him, because I'm told that He is completely and utterly obsessed with me...


  1. Give us clues on this certain lovely young gentleman!

    1. Well now that would be telling, wouldn't it? ;)

    2. Haha you should do a blog on your 'love' life - you can't deny that it's a big aspect of who you are and it's all part of God's gift to us.

  2. Wow Eve. YES. God takes the priority!! I love your writing style, I can almost hear you speak. Made me laugh too :-) x

    1. Also, love love love the new header :-)


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