Friday 11 May 2012

The Dreaded 'E' Word.

Exams. There. I said it.

That word alone is enough to strike core-shaking fear into the hearts and minds of students worldwide!

As it's my final term at school, you can probably guess that life is more than a bit tense right now. Every essay I write, every note I make, every picture I take, every last second is building up to the final day. If I don't pull it off on the day then its all over. And I guess I could say that it all counted for nothing.

I worked out today what it is that makes exams so scary. For me, I hate being judged. Knowing that other people see what I do and then judge my by it. It's a terrifying thought that in a few weeks time someone will be reading whatever I can write in a couple of short hours, and then making a judgement accordingly.

That's the main reason why I so strongly dislike the examination system. How is two hours possibly enough for anyone to record everything they have learnt over the last two years?! It's just unrealistic, and yet they still expect us to adhere to this evil and caniving scheme that they invent just to torture us. What next? A yearly event where they choose two kids from each county to fight against other kids their age to win food for their county? Although that is rather a good idea for a book...

Anyway, I am blessed enough to know that exams aren't everything. There is more to life than what the world tells me I have achieved. God sees my heart, and however many times I may fail or mess up, in exams, and in my journey to follow him, he loves me anyway. And God's love isn't something that is dependent on how well I can perform on the day. It isn't going to either fade or grow depending on results day. No, it is an unconditional, unfaltering, unchanging, undeserved, gracious, all-encompassing promise that he will be loving me, pursuing me, and holding my heart until the end of time. And beyond.


  1. Here Here....totally agree. Reference to the hunger games made me laugh :D xx

  2. When are you going to start blogging again? :)

    1. Thank you! I'm going to start again now, I think :)


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