Sunday 22 April 2012

When 'Maybe' means 'No'.

I often find myself in situations where I'm skirting around what I actually want to say. I don't want to hurt feelings, or tread on toes, or become prey to judgement, so I just sit on the fence. 'Maybe' seems like the safest option. Going along with things seems easier than standing out and risking causing a stir.

Sometimes, however, my 'maybe' causes more hurt than I anticipate. It hurts those who I insult by deeming them not able to handle the truth. It hurts those who I tag along for the ride by not telling them where I'm actually going. It hurts those who continue in their sin because I didn't have the conviction to show them otherwise.

It hurts the God that made me and loves me, when I can't find the gumption to say


1 comment:

  1. True, so true! being on the fence can often be the easier option and I do it subconsciously, but it doesn't mean it's the right one. Really good thing to hear :)


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