Sunday 12 June 2011


Today I am travelling to Thorpe Park on a school trip. It is raining and cold and miserable but that will never stop me. I am a die-hard roller coaster junkie. I just LOVE the thrill of them, and the unexpected jumps and bumps.

As corny as this sounds, my life literally has been like one of those rides. Everything is absolutely wild and you're screaming and having the time of your life; arms in the air and you've never felt better.
There are those occasional little blips where you lose your stomach for a moment and then its all good again. Then suddenly you drop into complete darkness. You have no idea when you're going to come out, or even if you ever will. You hold onto the bar a little tighter, you get a bit more on edge, you shrink back and quiet down.

Life has those moments. You're not sure where you are or how you got here, but you know that where you are now, isn't much fun. I could reel off a list of situations that really weren't that ideal. You know those situations as well as I do. But there are some things that get you through.

For me, it has been my family, my friends and my wonderful saviour, Jesus. My friends have changed throughout the years, and I guess that my relationship with my family has changed and evolved as well. However, the thing that has grown stronger and stronger is my relationship with Jesus. He is unchanging, and all-loving and his pursuit of me has never dwindled. He has remained entirely constant through any and every storm that life has thrown at me, and he continues to carry me through my darkest of days.

If there is one thing that I've learnt about roller coasters, it's that they always come back up. However low you get and however dark it seems, I can promise you, from the words of Jesus, that it will always get better. Whatever situation you are in, God promises to support you through it, and carry you if you are hurting.

Psalm 23:4 'Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil. For you are with me. Your rod and your staff, they comfort me.'

Thanks for reading,
God bless,
Eve xxx

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