Friday 4 January 2013


As you probably read about in A History of Love - Part 2 I have relatively recently gone through a break-up. Not a massive one, but enough for me to be a little shaken up, and need to start realigning who I am and what I'm really living for. I've decided 'up' is the answer to all these questions, but thought this probably needed a little more practical padding out.

During that low point after a break-up when the world is about to end,  'I am the most hideous person in the world', 'I will die alone', 'no-one will ever love me', 'give me chocolate', 'I hate rom-coms, but just can't stop watching them and sobbing for hours' etc etc, a friend put me in contact with another friend of his. I wasn't sure what exactly to expect when we met up, but it turns out she also volunteers where I'm an intern. Small world. She had a lot of awesome advice and a lot of things really struck me, but one of the key things was a little challenge.

Apparently if you do something for 21 days straight, then it becomes a habit. The moment she said it, I was hooked. With the busyness of Christmas and the holidays, however, I just haven't gotten round to starting a 21-day challenge yet.

So here it is. From now on, each month, I will be doing a 21-day challenge. I don't have any particular series of posts that I do on the blog yet (This is all about to change!) but seeing as it's a new year, I thought a new challenge would be very much in keeping with my word 'up'.

Each 21-day chunk will be challenging me to either make a good habit, break a bad one, start a new hobby or complete a project.

I've given this a lot of thought, as you may be able to tell, and here is the line-up so far.

Challenge 1: Bible (Read my bible every day)

Challenge 2: Greens (Eat my 5-a-day)

Challenge 3: Embroider (Learn how to do embroidery)

Challenge 4: Pray (Pray on my walk to work every morning)

Challenge 5: Instagram (Take an Instagram photo every day)

Challenge 6: Jumper (Knit a jumper)

Now I'm not promising daily updates on every challenge, I'm afraid, but I am aiming to post on days 1,3,7,14 and of course 21. That way you can have a good idea of how things are going without being bored to death with 'Today I ate an apple, a pear, a banana, some salad, and a carrot.' or 'Today I did 47 stitches.'(Please imagine someone saying them in a super boring nasally voice. It adds to the effect.) The only exception to this may be the Instagram Challenge, but we'll see how we go on that one.

I have now bought a very adorable Cupcake Calendar, so will shortly be marking off the days, hanging it on the wall, and beginning with the first challenge. Rest assured, I will let you know as soon as I begin!

Are there any new habits you want to make?
Old ones you want to break?
New hobbies or projects you want to start?

Start the 21-day challenge!


  1. I heard this too and was planning on kicking a few bad habits. Maybe reading about you sticking with your challenges will make me more committed (something to compare to!) and I guess you writing about them will make you more determined too!
    Pretty pictures btw :)

    1. Yes! Do feel free to join in with a challenge and let me know how it's going! No pressure for me now though...! ;)
      Thanks! I'm just starting to get back into my photography :)
      Thanks for your comment :D

  2. Good idea. In answer to your question I get material from a sweet little shop in Bath called Fashion Fabrics (near jack wills) or from John Lewis. They have great material on sale at the moment. my advice would be, don't buy material in fat quarters. It is the most expensive way of buying fabric. Online also tends to be very expensive.

    1. Thank you! I'm using my Christmas supplies and the collection I've already built up for now, but will definitely be checking John Lewis out next time. A new one has just opened in Exeter actually!
      Thanks for stopping by :D

  3. Great idea! I love the pictures too, what's it called again? overlapping? double exposure...? awesome :) Xx

    1. Thanks Gins! The top one of Milla was a double exposure (kinda cheated on Photoshop!) but the other ones I just put the text over the top in Photoshop then played around with the opacity :) xx


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