Thursday 3 January 2013

The Itching

After my last post, I have started to itch. No, I do not have some ghastly rash going on. It's more of an internal, creative itch. I want to create.

As you probably saw in my last post, there are a gazillion things I want to get round to making with my new sewing machine, Jimone. And since then, I have thought of a gazillion more... Knitting needle case, anyone?!

But at the moment I'm unable to create like that. I'm staying at someone else's house and will be here until tomorrow. Then when I get home I have a tonne of stuff to pack before I head back for my internship on Monday. It being my birthday on monday, I also have things planned for that week, including catching up with lots of beautiful people.

Sometimes in life, we get the itch. That feeling that we want something so much that we just feel like we can't not have it anymore. We want to get started and get going, however impractical it may be. I get like this about so many things. But sometimes, I have to step back. Waiting is healthy. It means that hopefully I won't act on a whim. I won't start cutting into my beautiful fabric simply because I feel the need to make something. Instead, I will have considered that moment for so long that every snip will have purpose, and every stitch will be exactly in place.

A photo a friend took of me several years ago and I just edited a little
Recently I keep hearing the phrase 'getting your ducks in a row'. I believe that sometimes we are asked to wait, because we're just not ready. We need to get our ducks in a row first and then when whatever it is actually arrives we will be so ready for it that it will be all the more wonderful.

I know this probably sounds far too deep about using a sewing machine - and possibly slightly psychotic - but it's how I've been feeling about a lot of things in my life at the moment. I may think I'm ready, but someone knows I'm not, and He has planned everything so perfectly that it is definitely worth the wait.

With that in mind, here is a song to encourage you if you too are itching and waiting...

While I'm Waiting - John Waller (Youtube Video)

I first heard this song when watching the film Fireproof. A film about waiting. Highly recommend this movie.

So what are you waiting for? Anything you can't stop itching over?


  1. I know how you feel! I always have an "itch"when I should be working! Thank you for your kind comment on my blog. xxx

    1. Now started to 'scratch'! Feeling much better! ;) xx


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