Sunday 6 January 2013

If only I could be Rapunzel...

To any man who may have somehow stumbled across my blog and now happens to be reading this post, my apologies. Because I have a feeling you're just not going to understand this.

I don't tend to get too up tight about the way I look. My weight you-yos a lot depending on what's going on in my life, and I'm ok with that, as long as my clothes still fit. Like all teenagers, my skin isn't perfect and, again, I'm ok with that. But the one thing that does get me is my hair.

It is a fact that we firmly established in my friendship group quite a while back: When you're not happy with how your hair is looking, your day CANNOT and WILL NOT go well. It's as simple as that.

As you can read in my earlier posts from a year or two ago, I had a phase of not using commercial shampoo or conditioner. I gave it up for lent originally, and then it became a big personal challenge. I can happily and proudly say that I lasted for 6 months and then simply couldn't take another day of having greasy hair that constantly needed tying back. I'm not massively into adventurous hairstyles every day, but the pony tail really was getting rather old.

Now as you're about to see in the terrible phone camera photo coming up, because my proper camera is not here at the moment, my hair isn't all that much.

My hair looks a little shorter there than it actually is. There is no polite way of saying where my hair comes down to, but um... yes, you get the idea.

I've never really done much with it. I've played around a little with fringes, partings and layers, but that's pretty much it. I died it once with semi-permanent colour then continued to use lemon juice and sit in the sunshine, turning my locks a delightful shade of gingery orange. Not quite the look I was going for.

Recently I have had a massive urge to dip-dye it. I love how hair looks with a caramelly-blonde tone coming in from underneath and I've got to the moment where I'm like 'Yes. Let's do this!' but then backed out for one reason or another. I think my biggest fear is the cutting bit.

It really shouldn't be that much of an issue, because I know it grows back, but I really really dislike getting my hair cut. I normally get it done about twice a year. Some of you may be horrified at that number, but it's true. Normally with enough conditioner I can hide the split ends and then no-one's crying because the lady in the salon cut off a foot when I asked for a centimetre....!

I love admiring people's hair (in a non-creepy way) when it's just so long and luscious and they look like Rapunzel and maybe one day my hair will look like that too... I'm working on it, believe me! It's on my bucket list to grow my hair to my waist.

So basically, I've decided that I'm not going to get a hair cut this year. There are so many things that I want to do on my bucket list but am going to have to wait for - the one about a wedding, for example! - but this is one that I want to start working on now. So here goes...!

I shall leave you with some of my major hair crushes...

So basically I just love Zooey Deschanel's look...!


  1. Yes! Have you got any tips on how to grow healthy long hair? Mine is getting pretty long (I love it!) but can lack condition...
    Ps. where is your bucket list?

    1. Isn't it just so satisfying when you start to feel like your hair is actually 'long'?!
      I don't majorly fuss over my hair care routine too much. I guess don't over wash (maybe 3-4 times per week), invest in a good conditioner (Aussie 3-minute miracle or Tresemme Salon Silk are my go-to's), and maybe try a leave-in conditioner (I'm currently using Charles Worthington's 'Results').
      Also just work with the way your hair naturally is. My hair is curly, and although I used to try and straighten it every day because the 'pretty girls' had straight hair, I'm actually ok with it now and enjoy finding ways to make the curls stand out more. Just don't spend so long on it that it's no longer really 'your hair'.
      I am actually about to do a post on my Bucket List right now....!!
      Thanks for your comment :D

  2. You should go for it! I think it would look really pretty. And the great thing about dip dying is its hard to go wrong!
    I agree, Zooey Deschanel's fringe is soo pretty.

    I thought you were going to blog every day now? Please do!!

    1. Thanks! However my aim to not get my hair cut this year, now conflicts with my desire to get a fringe! Dilemma! I would do it myself, as I have done before, but I want it to look good, so maybe not such a good idea?
      I'm trying...! Life has been a little hectic here and I've just got a new laptop, but I promise I will be back on it now :)
      Thanks for reading :D


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