Thursday 17 January 2013

I'm saying I care

As it says in my 'about me' page, I never want to lie on here.

And that's why today I'm telling you that as much as I try and convince myself that I don't care, that it doesn't matter, that I can put up with it, that it's not a major issue, and that I'll be happy either way... It's a lie.

I do care.
I care about everything.

I care that there are people that I don't talk to any more. I care that they won't reply to my texts. I care about the things that I've lost. I care about the things that I have yet to lose. I care about what people really want in their heart. I care about how people treat me. I care about what people think of me. I care what you think of me. I care about you.

I won't ever tell you that, but please don't act like you don't already know.


  1. That's true. But sometimes, I think we care way too much.
    May I say, you have a lovely name. ;)

    eve @ essence of eve

    1. You are quite right... I often try to suppress my caring and then the whole thing just gets even worse!
      Thank you, you too! :D


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