Monday, 31 December 2012


Inspired by several other beautiful bloggers, I have decided that I'm going to have a word for 2013.

This word did take a little thinking about. There are several feelings, emotions, goals and desires that I wanted it to try and encapsulate all in one. There are things I'm going through at the moment which I won't necessarily be going through in a few months time, but I will hopefully be coming out of. Where I go from there is of the utmost importance. My attitude to life is also something that needs to be grasped in this word. And this need to be something simple that I can think to myself in the low moments, when the going gets tough.

So this year's word is simple. Two letters. But with a world of meanings...

(May I just say at this point how much I am LOVING having Photoshop on the new laptop I got for Christmas!)

This year I'm going to be moving up. This year I'm going to be picking myself back up. This year I'm going to be cleaning myself up. This year I'm going to be looking up. This year I'm going to be focusing all things up. And this year the glory will go to the one that is up there.

In a week's time I will be turning 18. So this year will be my first year as an adult, even if I've sort of had to live like one for a few months now.

So maybe this is simply going to me growing up.

Please join me for the journey upwards as we continue Becoming Eve...!

Sunday, 30 December 2012

Simply because I'm a sucker for proposals...

Today I'm simply going to quickly put up a link to another blog.

I love this blog with a rather large chunk of my heart. I always have a window open on both my laptop and my phone, just so I never miss a post. I wish I had as much time and creativity to make and bake and thrift and put together the things that they do. They're incredible.

This post, however, is a slightly more personal one. It's an amazing moment when you suddenly get a really deep insight into the personal life of a blogger when normally you only admire their clothing or drool over their food.

For a year there has been a love story brewing. And then a few days ago, something happened...

Here is... Emma and Trey's Engagement Story!

Image taken from A Beautiful Mess

Please do go and check out all their other stuff too. I would love to meet them one day, or at least go visit Red Velvet.

Night all... x

Saturday, 29 December 2012

Star of Bethlehem

Once upon a time, there was a star. Perhaps he grew up no different to any of the other stars - we never can be quite sure of these things - but this star had a very special purpose.

In a time when all the world was changing until it would never be the same again, this little star was called to be a constant.

Out of all the stars in the whole galaxy, he was set apart and set in place by an almighty hand. His place in the heavenlies was so particular and so incredibly important, that should he move out of it, history would have gone a little bit differently.

From where he sat, this star could see a stable. It was slightly set back from the dimly glowing lights of the town, cut away into the rocks of the hills behind. Providing shelter from both man and the elements, the bustle of bodies moving about was stilled by the time you reached it's mouth, and the wind and rain could not quite reach inside.

During the day, a few animals had been led in to rest and the straw had been laid down for them to sleep for the night. Daylight moved on, darkness blanketed the surrounding hills and soon the lights of the town fell silent. Then the star watched as something peculiar happened.

A young girl, who could be no more than sixteen, appeared on the path, riding on a donkey. The donkey was led by a weary-looking man, carrying a small sack with little provisions. Upon arriving at the mouth of the stable, he gently lifted the girl down and laid her tenderly in the straw. The animals began to crowd round the couple, as the man led the donkey to a watering trough. It might be expected that the animals were attempting to push the couple off their land, yet they bowed their heads down towards the girl, and made no signs of aggressive advancement. Instead they cautiously stepped forwards, with simple curiosity.

The girl's skin was so young and delicate. Her clothes were plain and worn. Her hands, clasping her swollen belly, looked thin but not afraid of a hard day's work. Her soft features were framed by a mane of thick, curly hair, gently pulled back so as not to be in the way during the day's travel. Despite her girlish beauty, however, she did not look a vision of peace. The star could see her face was straining and contorting in pain, and her body was shaking from the cool chill of such a cloudless night.

The man was desperately trying to soothe her as she cried out in pain, holding her close to his chest, stroking her hair, speaking soft words through her anguish. The animals, sensing her distress, inched forward further. They began to circle the two strangers to their stable, and the man looked up at them with wary eyes. Then one of them sat, just alongside where the girl was laying. Another behind the man. Yet another behind the girl. Until they had created a circle around the two of them, protecting them from the cold wind, and providing a support for the young girl.

Hours passed and still heart-breaking cries were audible from the secluded stable.

And then, just as the dark began to release it's grip on the town below, there was a final cry, followed by a sigh of relief and delight. The star saw as the man gently lifted a bundle up to the girl's chest. She immediately embraced the bundle, a baby boy, and held it tight, just like the man had held her so many hours ago. Despite her joy, the girl was evidently exhausted, so the man took the bundle back from her, and placed it in the now-empty water trough from which the donkey had drank at their arrival. Watching him do so, a few of the animals moved towards the child too, and peered over, their breath warming his new-born cheeks.

The man lay back down in the straw, next to the girl, engulfing her in his embrace, swallowing her in to the safety of his arms. Her body became weak and limp, her eyes closed, and within moments, her breathing was soft and deep. Filled with joy, pride, relief, yet a lurking sense of foreboding, the man looked up at the star.

For a moment they knew each other. They could see exactly where the other was. One saw a new family. A loving mother and father, and a son who was born for more than either of them could have seen. And the other saw a star, who shone brighter than the others around him, directly above where this child lay.

Morning shuffled in and the star could not be seen, but the star still saw. The star watched movement reawaken in the town as the day's work began and people left their homes pulling carts and carrying baskets. But all was bliss in the stable. The family were in a world above the rest.

As the days passed, that star's place became more and more important. The couple in the stable had done their part for now. Now it was the star's turn. Visitors arrived, in time, guided by the light of that star. They brought gifts, sometimes simply of wonder and respect, but nothing would have been brought, if it had not been for that star.

Oh that I could be like that star. I want to be a guiding light towards the child in the stable. May people see me, and know where to go. May I always encourage people to bring their gifts, whoever they are, and whatever those gifts may be. May I embrace the darkness, as it is then that I have the opportunity to stand out most. May I remain where God places me, even if it means staying alone. May I always be found pointing to my Saviour.

Thursday, 20 December 2012

My Perfect Guy...

This post is actually going to be a little bit of a cheat.

I wrote a post a while back on a blog that I run with a few of my friends back from school. They are wonderful at keeping it going when I am completely useless, but I stumbled upon a post that I wrote a while back, and thought I would share it again...

~ * ~

I'm pretty sure we've all done it. Dreamed of the moment when we look up and see HIM. He's just smiling casually, and then he catches your eye and you both just KNOW. And that's it. Fast-forward and you're sailing off into the sunset for the perfect 'Happily Ever After'...

But I'm starting to learn that Prince Charming is what you make him. Bradley Cooper. Ryan Reynolds. THAT guy. Or maybe just pure fiction.

Hear me out here. I'm really not a cynic, but I'm also fully aware that I'm not perfect. (Spend 10 minutes with me and you'll find that out for yourself!) So why on earth do I expect my future husband to be perfect? As much as I would like him to be, in reality it's just not fair for me to have those kinds of expectations. I would feel so inadequate if he had those kinds of expectations of me, and although I want to be the best I can be for him, 'perfect' is never going to be attainable in this life.

I have spent years dreaming of the 'perfect' romance, the 'perfect' proposal, the 'perfect' wedding, and then the subsequent life of 'perfect' bliss. But the whole point of a meet-cute is that it can't be planned! Or at least not by us.

I have faith in a God who has already planned out my perfect romance. Whether that is with a guy who He has set apart to be mine, or whether that is with God, as in the end He should be the ultimate romancer of my soul.

From now on, my perfect guy is not perfect. But neither am I, so I guess he's perfect for me.

~ * ~

So there we are... If you would like to have a little wander over to our blog then then just click here and you will magically be transported to a very beau-tea-ful place!

God Bless x

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

The Devil and his armies

So once again it's been rather a long time since I've posted on here. A lot has changed. Exams have come and gone, results and university offers have been received, meaning that decisions soon have to be made. I've moved to a new city all by myself, which has resulted in finding a new family, establishing a new home away from home, and settling in to a new life pattern and routine. And my recent dating life has certainly not been uneventful, but positively fruitless and depressing.

I'm not entirely sure what the purpose of today's post is... Maybe just to get my mind focused again. Or maybe just to procrastinate from the imminent doom of needing to actually get on and pack. Nevertheless, I wanted to post today, so post I shall.

I'm never entirely sure how much of my personal life to share on here. Mainly because I'm never entirely sure who's reading. But if you are reading then welcome to a very open and sometimes painfully honest space. I hate to be vague, because I know in my own experience that I'm always desperate to know details, but I'm not sure if it's always fair to the other people involved in my life to tell you everything. I'll try my best though...

Lately I've been realising just how much the devil sucks. Seriously, he's just the most horrible person ever. Literally. All these low moments I keep having where I feel utterly terrible, uncool, boring, weird, undesirable, ugly, fat, shameful, disgusting, desperate, pathetic, lost and forgotten are all because of him. Deep down I probably know that they're all lies, but on that 'just-below-the-surface' layer - the one that's hidden to most people but still scarily and vulnerably close to the outside world - I start to feel like maybe they're true. I don't know how it happens. One moment I'm looking like everything's fine, and the next I plummet down, sinking alongside the titanic and several other good-ideas-at-the-time. No, I don't think I'm bipolar, but it's scary what a drastic effect the Devil can have on my life and how much space I allow him to do damage.

There are those moments where I feel like they don't want to talk to me because I'm not cool enough, or that he cheated on me because I'm not unforgettable enough, or that he doesn't like me because I'm not desirable enough, or that I'm single because I'm too pathetic, or that I'm lonely because I'm too desperate, or that every hurt I've ever felt is somehow my fault because I'm too much or not enough.

All those moments are where I have allowed the Devil a little corner in the space of my mind, which he has filled with such fear and doubt and darkness that it begins to take over all the rest of me. And so he wins. And then I blame myself for that too. And so he wins again. And then I start to feel like it will always be this way. And so he wins again. And then I start to feel like I'm never going to be able to change this. And so he wins again. And then I simply let him win. And then he's won.

But there's more than that. There's more than the guilt and shame. The truth is, I'm not able to change that cycle by myself. I can never take down Satan and all his armies by supper-time, let alone by breakfast when I've already allowed him space in the form of 'I'm too fat to eat'. But there's someone who will always take my side, always fight my battles, and always, always win. He's more powerful than the Devil will ever be, and he loves me so much that he fought to the death. Literally. No matter how many little battles I feel like I'm losing, the war is already won, and that's what counts. When I get to the end of the day, that's what matters.

It doesn't matter that the Devil's armies have marched in and set a camp of lies, because He will storm in with the Sword of Truth and tear them all down. Every time I let my guard down, He has promised to be there to clear out the invaders and help rebuild all the fortresses. They'll raise a flag in His name, and though they may be attacked, they will never be destroyed. Ever.

So next time I feel overpowered and invaded, I need to remember whose strength this war is really relying on. Thank goodness it's not mine! If I focus on His strength and His power and His might, then I think the Devil would really be taking rather a suicidal risk if he thinks he can ever dig any trench in me again.

I guess this post found a purpose after all, so I will now present it with a title...!

God Bless x

Friday, 11 May 2012

The Dreaded 'E' Word.

Exams. There. I said it.

That word alone is enough to strike core-shaking fear into the hearts and minds of students worldwide!

As it's my final term at school, you can probably guess that life is more than a bit tense right now. Every essay I write, every note I make, every picture I take, every last second is building up to the final day. If I don't pull it off on the day then its all over. And I guess I could say that it all counted for nothing.

I worked out today what it is that makes exams so scary. For me, I hate being judged. Knowing that other people see what I do and then judge my by it. It's a terrifying thought that in a few weeks time someone will be reading whatever I can write in a couple of short hours, and then making a judgement accordingly.

That's the main reason why I so strongly dislike the examination system. How is two hours possibly enough for anyone to record everything they have learnt over the last two years?! It's just unrealistic, and yet they still expect us to adhere to this evil and caniving scheme that they invent just to torture us. What next? A yearly event where they choose two kids from each county to fight against other kids their age to win food for their county? Although that is rather a good idea for a book...

Anyway, I am blessed enough to know that exams aren't everything. There is more to life than what the world tells me I have achieved. God sees my heart, and however many times I may fail or mess up, in exams, and in my journey to follow him, he loves me anyway. And God's love isn't something that is dependent on how well I can perform on the day. It isn't going to either fade or grow depending on results day. No, it is an unconditional, unfaltering, unchanging, undeserved, gracious, all-encompassing promise that he will be loving me, pursuing me, and holding my heart until the end of time. And beyond.

Monday, 7 May 2012

Confessing my Obsessing

For anyone that knows me, this will not me breaking news. I am an obsession-junkie.

You know how some people are like thrill-junkies so they have to get the next thrill in order to feel fulfilled? Well I'm exactly like that, just with obsessions.

Normal people can just 'like' things, or think they're 'cool. Me? Oh no. I read every news article about them, buy t-shirts of them, try every flavour, listen to every song, stalk their facebook page, talk about them non-stop, and say things like 'I'd be happy to live on (insert current obsession) for the rest of my life'.

Now, having read that, you are probably in one of two camps...
1. 'Well that's fair enough, right? We all have foibles, and its not like its hurting anyone.'
2. 'Close the window, lock the doors, she's coming for us!!!'

If you're in camp 2, then don't worry! I'm not known to actually physically stalk people, only in virtual reality. But there's always a first... I joke, I JOKE!

But if you're in camp 1, then I must tell you that you are most terribly wrong. Maybe its not hurting anyone else, but its sure-as-eggs hurting me!

Every time I get completely hooked on this one thing, be it tea, The Hunger Games (Team Everlark!!), a band, or a certain lovely young gentleman who is remaining completely and utterly nameless *moving on*, it starts to take over my life. It consumes my every thought, and I start to dwell on it, thinking about when I can next get another cuppa, read another chapter, watch another band interview, or simply see said young gentleman.

But I don't want tea or a book or a band or a crush taking control of my life, no matter how amazing I may think they are. No, that's where I want God to be. I want to constantly be thinking about him, when I'm next going to see him work in my life, meet with him in prayer, hear his words in the bible, feel his touch on my heart, and talk about him with other people.

Because a book won't be there when I fall. A band won't be there when I'm lonely. Even a guy won't be able to plan my future perfectly. Only God can. So I want to be completely and utterly obsessed with him, because I'm told that He is completely and utterly obsessed with me...

Saturday, 5 May 2012

Mould me

I want to be like clay.
I want to be shaped and moulded my Him.
Him who knows me better than myself.
Him who formed me before time began.
Him who sees the true desires of my heart.
Him who has planned my future accordingly.
Him who sees all my actions, yet still chooses to love me.
I want Him who knows me best to make me better.
So I surrender to the Potter's Hands,
And beg from my heart,
"Mould me."

Friday, 4 May 2012

Seeking Simplicity

Sometimes life just gets far too busy.

The world plagues us with layers and layers of junk. It's not always our fault and it rarely seems avoidable, but we're often the ones left to deal with it. And deal with it we must.

Either we sit under the pile of worthless garbage and let the world walk all over us. Or we ask God to start stripping away the layers or trash, and being to live in the freedom of simplicity.

Simplicity is good.
Simplicity is freeing.

But simplicity is scary.

Simplicity means that there is no longer anything for us to hide behind. No excuses. When the layers are gone, then all that's left is us, which means that everything we do is a direct reflection of ourselves. It's not a reflection of the mess in our lives, or the clutter that's skewed our moral judgement. No, this is just us. 100%.

But however hard it is to be that vulnerable, and to lose those layers that provide 'security' however useless, I'd rather live a life that allows me to follow God and seek his heart, rather than living a lie. Living the lie that I can get away with sin because 'I had no other option'. That my words don't matter because 'They provoked me'. That the way I dress doesn't matter because 'It's how I express myself'. That my actions don't matter because 'It's all harmless fun'.

I want every action I do to count for something bigger than myself. I want my life to count for God's plan for this earth. And to do that I need to clear out the clutter and seek the simplicity, however vulnerable it makes me, of rejecting the world's lies and living in God's truth.

What junk do you need to be getting rid of this weekend?

Thursday, 26 April 2012

Tuesday, 24 April 2012


Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul,
And sings the tune--without the words,
And never stops at all,

And sweetest in the gale is heard;
And sore must be the storm
That could abash the little bird
That kept so many warm.
I've heard it in the chillest land,
And on the strangest sea;
Yet, never, in extremity,
It asked a crumb of me.

~ Emily Dickinson

This is a favourite poem of mine. Mainly because I wish I could have written it myself (I may have fooled some of you as you started reading and didn't see the 'Emily Dickinson' at the end!) but also because it reminds me of this bible verse...

"In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead." ~ 1 Peter 1:3b

And then this one...

"Faith is being sure of what we hope for, certain of what we cannot see." ~ Hebrews 11:1 (I know a song for that one!)

And it's true. Hope is that little constant, quiet thing that frequently goes completely unnoticed. Often people underestimate it. But if there is even the slightest hope of something, then with God that hope is like dynamite. It can blow this world apart.


p.s. A prayer request for a dear friend who is really struggling with some pretty intense stuff at the moment, that I will have the right words to say. Thanks :)

Sunday, 22 April 2012

When 'Maybe' means 'No'.

I often find myself in situations where I'm skirting around what I actually want to say. I don't want to hurt feelings, or tread on toes, or become prey to judgement, so I just sit on the fence. 'Maybe' seems like the safest option. Going along with things seems easier than standing out and risking causing a stir.

Sometimes, however, my 'maybe' causes more hurt than I anticipate. It hurts those who I insult by deeming them not able to handle the truth. It hurts those who I tag along for the ride by not telling them where I'm actually going. It hurts those who continue in their sin because I didn't have the conviction to show them otherwise.

It hurts the God that made me and loves me, when I can't find the gumption to say


Tuesday, 17 April 2012

For the moments...

For the moments when the sun dances on my cheeks and plays with my hair,
When the tea has gone cold because life is too much fun,
When the hum of the sewing machine stirs creativity in my bones,
When the smell of musty books and the strum of guitars is enough,
I want you to be there.

For the moments when the rain drizzles down the pain rubbing salt into the wounds, 
When the ache in my chest threatens to overwhelm me,
When the tap-tap of the keyboard is the releasing of my mind,
When the birds lullaby my dreams and flowers soften my heart,
I want you to be there.

For the moments when the world is big but I am oh so small,
When the money is short but our laughs are long,
When the weather is poor but our hearts are rich,
When the sky is dark but our eyes are bright,
I want you to be there.

For the moments when the chances are slim but our smiles are wide,
When the burden is weighty but you are the light,
When the world is shallow but your love is deep,
When the reality of my imperfection is eclipsed by your gift of grace,
I want you to be there.

When all of me is longing for all of you,
I need you to be there.

Saturday, 14 April 2012

While I sit

While I sit
I sip
my tea
and reality
overlooks me.

While I sit
I sip
my tea
and serenity
overwhelms me.

While I sit
I sip
my tea
and your mercy
covers me.

While I sit
I sip
my tea
and your love
completes me.

While I sit
I sip
my tea
and smile.

Have a blessed day <3

Friday, 13 April 2012


For anyone that knows me well, you'll know that I'm pretty into Switchfoot, along with my gorgeous friends.

Switchfoot do some pretty INSANE stuff, but one of my all time favourite songs of theirs is called 'Restless'.

Here is a link to the video of the song, and I want you to try and listen to the words really carefullly and not just stare at certain band members who have a mysteriously dark and unbelievably 'perfect-man-of-God' kind of appeal *jon foreman* and then we will discuss this further.

Go on... I'll wait.

All done? It's pretty, epic huh?

My favourite bit? Oh, well thanks for asking. It's a tough question but it would have to be the humungously insane drum build up... 'With every heartbeat all of my blood bleeds, running inside me, looking for you. Looking for yoooou. Looking for yooooou. Looking for yoooou. Looking for yoo-oo-oou. *budahdahdahdahdahdahdahBOOM* I am RESTLESS!'

SO good.

But the message of the song really encapsulates how I feel right now. I never want to get to a stage where I am comfortable with the tiny eensy-weensy bit of God that I know right now and not hunger for more. I never want to sit back and think 'That's probably enough for now'. Instead, I want to have a constant restlessness inside of me that's 'longing for the deeper ground'.

I want to spend every day adventuring further into who God is, his character, and his heart for his people.

1 Corinthians 13:9-12 says, 'Now our knowledge is partial and incomplete, and even the gift of prophecy reveals only part of the whole picture! But when the time of perfection comes, these partial things will become useless. When I was a child, I spoke and reasoned like a child. But when I grew up, I put away childish things. Now we see things imperfectly, like puzzling reflections in a mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity. All that I know now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely, just as God now knows me completely.'

This passage is particularly relevant for me today, as I had an optician's appointment and found out that I need glasses for reading off the board in class, driving (when I get round to taking lessons!), reading off screens (like in Chapel every morning), watching TV, working on the computer etc etc... It's strange how until we see the complete and perfect form of something, we don't really realize how incomplete it was before. As soon as the guy started slotting lenses into those (highly attractive!) glasses I could suddenly see more and more of the letters on the screen.

On a much MUCH bigger scale, this is what it is like with God. The more we find out about him, the more we look back and think 'And I really thought I was starting to get to know him THEN?'.

Only in heaven will we truly get to know the whole of God, but until then, I think it's the most incredible adventure ever to discover more and more about our God, Creator of the universe, who loves each one of us uniquely.

Have a very blessed day <3

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

A New Beginning

Now, I do get a very strong sense of Deja Vu as I write this, and I can't promise that 'this time it will be different', but I'm turning over a new leaf.

I have increasingly become merely a spectator in the blogging world, and I thought it was about time that things changed. I have seen so many stunning blogs, and they have inspired me to get back on my metaphorical blogging feet.

If you've seen one of my latest projects (along with A-levels, bunting, cushion covers, uni information, gap year plans, and hopefully buying a house!) then you'll know that I have been blogging elsewhere.

I have also not been myself. Hence this post.

But that is all about to change. For this reason, I am renaming this blog 'Becoming Eve', because this is the story of me becoming the real me, as God intended. It's going to take a while, and I'm not promising regularity or consistency. But it should be entertaining!!

Here goes everything...!!

Saturday, 7 January 2012

Not 'lost'... simply 'waiting to be found'!

Don't you find that sometimes you literally just spend your whole life looking for something?

That perfect skirt? The one that fits just right around the waist, matches with every item in your wardrobe, comes to just the right height above the knee and has the perfect balance of fit and flare. Well that's what I'm looking for, anyway!

Or maybe it's something that you've lost. That Taylor Swift guitar plectrum that you took out of the packet yesterday then took downstairs to play guitar with, got distracted on the way and now can't find anywhere? Maybe that's just me again...

But as I stood outside my bedroom door trying to think where on earth I could have put that plectrum, I had a little revelation. Does it really matter? I know it's got to be around here somewhere. I can just go grab another one out of the packet and play with that for now.

I don't mean 'Go ahead and have no respect for your belongings!' I simply mean, we live in a land where we have plenty. What is the use in fretting over something small that we've lost, when there are five others sitting in the packet?!

If we spend all our time pining over the things we haven't got (a boyfriend, more money, longer holidays, THAT skirt etc) or the things we may have lost (close friends, a boyfriend, a guitar pick etc) then we lose sight of what we have got, right here, right now.

Right now I have...
  • The most amazing friends a girl could ever ask for
  • The freedom of singleness to follow God wherever he calls me
  • Enough money to live comfortably on
  • Enough Holiday time to really appreciate my family's company (without that extra week where I start wanting to kill my brother!)
  • An entire wardrobe of wonderful clothes
  • Five more guitar picks in the packet...
The list goes on.

Sometimes the things we lose will be lost forever, but that is God's will for us and He knows best.

But sometimes, just sometimes, the things you lost will turn up in the most unexpected places, when you've given up searching and you've simply handed the matter over to God.

One of these days I may just slip my hand into my jeans pocket and discover my plectrum lurking in there. It isn't 'lost'... it's simply 'waiting to be found'!

Until then, I have enough to be getting by with. So I need to learn to be content with that.

God Bless,
Eve xx

Friday, 6 January 2012

Not one or the other

Do you ever feel stuck in-between? Neither here nor there? I do right now.

Tomorrow is my 17th birthday and I'm really feeling like I'm in that terribly awkward inbetweeny part of life where I'm not yet an adult but I really don't think I can be classified as a child anymore. Height-wise that was the case long ago!

I guess it's reminding me that God doesn't call us to a life of comfort. We are not called to just act like sitting ducks in the river of life, occasionally mentioning Christ whenever another 'unsaved' ducky floats past, and being content that God is out there 'somewhere'. No. We are called to keep moving, not to get comfortable but to constantly seek more of the Lord, occasionally going against the flow but always desiring a closer relationship with him, by pressing into his spirit.

I was once informed by a wonderful preacher, named Danielle Strickland (look her up... she's insane!), that comfort is a sin. Anything that holds us back from fulfilling God's purpose for our life is a sin and most of the time concern for my own personal safety and security is what holds me back from doing my best for the Kingdom. I don't remember the part in the gospels where Jesus says 'Give me five more minutes in bed and then after a full fry-up we'll get some healing done!' Following Jesus' example, we should always be willing to drop everything and go to the ends of the earth to be salt and light as soon as God gives us the word. I'm not sure that we're ever meant to be 'comfortable' with this idea, but we should be prepared.

I guess it's not so bad being stuck in the middle. It means I can't be classified as one thing or another. A rather freeing thought in some repects. It gives me the opportunity to be who I am called to be by truly surrendering this time to God.

Exciting? I think so!

I also went into this cute little Christian Book shop today and picked up a couple of books on some interesting topics, so I'll keep you posted.

God Bless,
Eve xx

Thursday, 5 January 2012

What's in a name?

'Whats in a name, for a rose by any other name would smell as sweet...?' - Shakespeare

Words hold power. Real power. Just think of the bible. Simple words that have affected people around the world for centuries!

Speaking of words, and potential misinterpretation, I thought my brother just said 'Ow, I just licked myself in the face!'. Turns out he actually said 'hit' himself in the face. Would have been exciting if he actually could though. We could make millions... 'The Tongue Slap Kid'! Anyway, back to the point.

Well, as I haven't been on here for a while, I've really lost a bit of focus about what this is all about. Having read a whole load of other people's blogs I have been well and truly inspired. There are so many beautiful people out there! Check this out for starters... Fernweh Magazine. This blog magazine has only just started out and it needs all the support it can get right now, so if you like what you see then do comment and encourage the wonderful young ladies who have started this initiative.

Also, in the least stalker-ish way possible as I don't actually know this woman, but how beautiful is this girl and her wedding... My Suitcase Heart?!

In the months ahead I plan to put more links on for other blogs that I enjoy reading, so hopefully anyone who reads this will be able to see some of the things that inspire me and warm my heart.

Well... onto the real reason for this post. Ladies, (and maybe even any gentlemen who are curious and happen to be reading this... Welcome!) I need your help deciding on a new blog title. I'm not sure whether or not the current title really encapsulates what I want to get across through this blog.

Maybe if I tell you my vision and plan for this blog from now on, then you may have some ideas. I want this blog to be a safe haven. I want me and other people who want to post or comment to find refuge in this blog. I want to document my life; the good and the bad. I want to share. I want to inspire. And I want to testify to the fact that no matter what little events happen on each individual day, that we are called to a life of happiness and joy... eternally.

I'm thinking maybe 'Happily Ever After'... What do you think? Please leave a comment below.

God bless,
Eve xx

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

A Fresh Start.

To say it's been a while would be like saying that amputation is only a flesh wound!

For that, I am truly sorry. Life has been just a little bit fraught. My final year of school, friend's birthdays, mad family life, running on a low spiritual tank, and the hubbub of a hectic Christmas have all coloured the last few months of my existence.

I wish I had time to explain, but seeing as its all in the past, and this is only meant to be a short break from doing my English Coursework, I'm going to look ahead. I have no intentions of making any New Year's Resolutions, as I know I will only disappoint myself, and I don't want to start getting legalistic with my life

Starting from the ground up, this year I'm going to let Him decide.

This doesn't mean that I get to sit back and relax, but rather that I just need to get better at time management. Rather than losing hours that seem to whizz by with work and friends, although those things are important, I want to wake up and know in my mind that every day is an opportunity. If I get my head down and work conscientiously to the best of my ability in the time that I set myself, then I will discover freedom. By being efficient with my work time, I can relax during down time, and really make time for the Lord. I want to hear his voice again.

I've been told that your final year of school is the hardest year of your life, in terms of workload and prioritizing time. I do not find this hard to believe. With the constant pulls of life, I need to make sure that my foundations are secure. I've heard it said that it's OK for the top to wobble as long as the foundations are secure. God is my rock. Let me never forget that.

So here they are. The things that I want to work on this year. They're not rules, and they're not goals. They're simply a way of me being more aware of myself and making the most of my time in this world...

1. Read my bibleThis has become something of a rare luxury during school time, but I want to make this a necessity. How can I travel the road if I haven't been looking at the map? Learning one bible verse a week is also a great way of being armed with the word, so this is something I want to get better at. Maybe I'll try and post a verse on here each week, with a thought... we'll see how that goes!

For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. - Hebrews 4:12

2. Challenge myself academically - Could I hand-on-heart say that I tried my absolute hardest on every piece of work I handed in last term? No, probably not. Accordingly, this year I want to challenge myself to work my absolute hardest on every assignment that I'm given. I want my work to be a good reflection of the gifts that God has blessed me with, and to glorify him through it.

May he equip you with all you need for doing his will. May he produce in you, through the power of Jesus Christ, every good thing that is pleasing to him. All glory to him forever and ever! Amen. - Hebrews 13:21

3. Create - I believe that creativity is something that God has blessed me with. Not just in an artsy, craftsy way - although I do have a ridiculous amount of love for cute fabrics, buttons, and recycling old stuff - but also in the way I live my life. I'm not great with routine, and I don't want my life to get stuck in a rut. Instead, I want to constantly be working on my friendships and relationships with others, creating and discovering new ways to enjoy myself, have fun and appreciate every blessing God gives me.

Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms - 1 Peter 4:10

4. Read - As I am looking to study English Literature at university, books should be rather an important aspect of my life. As an unashamed lover of Austen, I'm not keen on branching out into other genres but it's something I've got to do if I want to have the rounded basic knowledge required for university. In this way, I aim to be armed with some form of literature at all times, in order to read as many books as possible this year... Does 52 sound too ambitious? We'll see...

A lady's imagination is very rapid; it jumps from admiration to love, from love to matrimony in a moment. - Jane Austen

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife. - Jane Austen

Nobody minds having what is too good for them. - Jane Austen
The person, be it gentleman or lady, who has not pleasure in a good novel, must be intolerably stupid. - Jane Austen

5. Persevere - I hope that 2012 is going to bring a lot of good times, but I also have a feeling that things are going to get tough in a few months time. May I never give up, but always remain firm in the face of adversity.

We are hunted down, but never abandoned by God. We get knocked down, but we are not destroyed. - 2 Corinthians 4:9

When troubles come your way consider it an opportunity for great joy - James 1:2

6. Worship - For Christmas, due to the wonderful generosity of my parents, I got a beautiful guitar. It's definitely one of my best presents ever. I have not managed to name it yet, but suggestions would be much appreciated! I'm teaching myself, so progress is slow, but I want to be able to use my guitar to worship God whenever I get a free moment. Not only do I want to worship in song, however, but also in my words and actions. Let my life by one long song of praise.

I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. - Romans 12:1

But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus--the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God. - Acts 20:24

7. Listen - Finally, as I said earlier, I want to hear God's voice in my life again. With all my recent business, the still small voice has been rather drowned out by the noisiness that I have allowed into my mind. I'm quite a talker, as pretty much anyone who has met me will testify to. This year, however, I want his voice to speak instead of my own. As big decisions come up in the future, I need to hear what God has to say about it all.

"For I know the plans I have for your," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." - Jeremiah 29:11
We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps. - Proverbs 16:9
Well there you have it... I don't have a word for them yet. I was thinking 'workpoints', but that doesn't have quite the right ring to it.

Do feel free to hold me accountable to this blog post, as although I may not appreciate the 'Did you really try your best on that essay?' at the time, those are the questions I often forget to ask myself, yet need to be answering.

Thanks for reading,
God Bless,
Eve xx